Last Saturday, October 7, the general simulation of espoloso, organized by the Euskal Espeleo Laguntza (EEL) was held in Nabarniz (Bizkaia). The chosen cavity was Ineritze Leizea..At the same we went four members of Felix Ugarte Elkartea: Koldo, Natxo, Sergio and Roberto. The day started crooked, with the fire of the vehicle of Koldo, that had to leave by the window of the same one. Luckily, there were only material losses. The tasks of coordination and follow-up of the simulacrum (PC) were carried out from the pediment of Nabarniz. Although initially intended for three teams, finally, and due to the number of people who attended the drill, it was decided to form two teams of about 10 speleologists and two team leaders each. Each team would be responsible for carrying the stretcher with the injured a specific section of the cavity. Natxo and Roberto were in Team 2, which was the one that started to move the stretcher from the point of the accident. Sergio was in charge of making photos and videos of the simulacrum.
Team 2, who was the first to enter, did so at 12:30 in the morning. The first section of the cavity from where the rescue began, number -140, is an area that alternated wells with galleries of more irregular layout; meanders, narrowings, small bumps, .. The second section was more aerial, a succession of wells until reaching the mouth. The gap had enough difficulties to apply different techniques: counterweights, chained counterweights, zip lines, palan, rocking and even a little porteo. After almost 12 hours of work in the pit, the stretcher was pulled out. The drill ended at about 1 am. The following day, several tasks were distributed among the participants of the simulacrum; removal of the beacon from the control station to the mouth of the pit, uninstallation of the ropes inside the cavity, and cleaning of material. On Sunday morning we were surprised by another emergency, a cyclist suffered a cardiac arrest and was assisted by EEL members, who performed CPR maneuvers until the arrival of emergency services, Osakidetza helicopter included. In short, an intense weekend in Nabarniz.